Sunday, April 12, 2015

Review-Clear Vision I

Date Released-2007
Genre-Action, Shooting

Clear Vision is a point-and-click shooting series developed by DPFlashes, a Swedish independent developing company.

The first game revolves around our protagonist, Jake. At a young age, Jake witnessed his parents killed by an unknown army general. After the murder, Jake is sent off to a remote camp, where he is trained to be a sniper. Now a free man, Jake works as a hitman, given missions to complete. To play, point your mouse at the screen, and left-click to shoot.

At the end of the game, on a mission to take down a "high ranked officer," Jake spots the mysterious army general. The game ends on a "To Be Continued...," implying this is an installment of a series.

This was certainly a good game. I believe the game ended with an ominous and vague enough ending to leave the audience wanting more. The gameplay itself isn't too difficult for players. I guess that the only complaint is that the game could've been longer,  but the game is part of a series, so I can't get too mad at it. This is personally a favourite of mine, and I  do recommend it, if you're a fan on shooters. There is a mobile version, and I do plan to review it, but later as we continue with this series.

Official Walkthrough

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