Friday, October 9, 2020

Powerpuff Girls: Girl Power

This isn't a continuation of my cursed Shockwave game entry, I doubt I'd find anything as cursed and official as the previous two. Though I do have something fairly weird by today's standards, and those of the year it came out's standards.

If I had to guess, Girl Power came out during the Chris Savino era of PowerPuff Girls. It's easy to identify which era each game came out (whether it be by the character style or graphics.), the cleanliness of the latter here provides credence to this, and puts it above Shockwave standards, though the game is still... something.

It's so simple yet so weird at the same time, and why am I just telling you. To start, you get to chose to play as either of the PowerPuff Girls, but for a lack of stats and the gameplay which I'll soon get into, it's just for show. They could've easily swapped between three characters automatically given the amount of levels here.

So you pick a character and you fly through a jarringly empty Townsville. There's no time limit, so you can fly for hours if you choose not to go anywhere. You have to find a villain hideout, it being marked by a skull and crossbones. Once you go in you then have to fly to the enemy. I assume the empty town was merely a map of sorts and not indicative of the town, and you have to dodge flying obstacles, I mean you could punch them but you have such wide areas to dodge in. Points for throwing in an attempt at a challenge, but it's negligible. Then we get to the boss fights and well, you could see for yourself.
The enemy never moves, its arm however does. It goes for the following enemies too, Fuzzy Lumpkins and... I'm assuming the fat member of the Gang Green Gang is named Billy? In the final stretch, the skull and crossbones is replaced with a tombstone for some reason. Either this indicates the last level, or they wanted to give a very weird implication.

And the moment you finish, the game boots back to the start like nothing ever happened. Only thing more I can talk about is the sound. It's 90% quiet, save for when you hit stuff or get hit. During the boss fight, you hear a random girl say "Oops." It can pass for Buttercup or Blossom worst case, but just know this isn't the only game to use this, it happened in a pillow fight PPG game and it was normal compared to this. Flaws are certainly apparent in this game, but I've seen worse, especially with PPG, and I'll be back with another... someday.

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