Saturday, March 28, 2015

Review-Pricilla Gone Missing

Date Released-2005
Developer-Johan Törnkvist
Genre-Adventure, Puzzle

Pricilla Gone Missing is an independent Flash point-and-click adventure from Johan Törnkvist, a talented design and technology student at Hyper Island in Kariskrona, Sweden.

The game begins with the player learning of the disappearance of Pricila (Aunt "Prissy"), which warrants an investigation. From there a charming little adventure unfolds in which the player must look for items and clues to progress through the story. But don't  expect to find Pricilla in this installment; the game is only the first part of what is promised to be a continuing saga.

Standard point-and-click protocol is observed by clicking on items to add them to the inventory, and by dragging found items into play or onto other inventory items. Navigation between scenes is accomplished by moving the player-character in a third-person perspective by clicking on a destination location.

This is a great start to what I hope is to be a great series. The clear graphics and the mix of two-dimensional and three-dimensional create an almost photo-realistic appearance, impressive for a flash-supported game released in the mid-2000's. The art design makes sure everything has the smallest details, making it very unique. The audio design and music create a very stern atmosphere, which I can tell was the developer's intention. The puzzles you encounter are logical, simple, and very subtle, accessible to even the most casual gamer. 

Johan has done an exceptional job of providing the basis for a compelling story-based point-and-click adventure with cunning graphics and gameplay, so let's give him lots of praise to motivate him to finish it.

Official Walkthrough

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