Sunday, April 19, 2015

Review-An Average Day At School

Date Released-2005
Developers-double-slash, NORM
Genre-Adventure, Point-and-Click

An Average Day At School is an adventure game originally uploaded to Newgrounds by users double-slash and NORM. The game revolves an unknown stick figure, going around the "Collège de Montréal" High School, an actual private high school in Quebec.

It's an ordinary Monday morning, and you're strolling to Math, only to realize the classroom is empty. After talking to the class coordinator, and completing a quick-time challenge, you find out the first class is Physical Education, and you quickly run to the gym. It's only after coming to the gym, however, that you realize the day is the 1st of November, and you came an hour early. The game ends after that.

So what did I think of it? Well it's definitely a very...interesting game. The idea is simple enough, which is to choose which scenarios play out, and choosing the wrong one having you "die," but the challenges don't have a set pace, resulting in a short game. Don't get me wrong, the challenges don't come too early, and at least the game has a palpable plot, but the game can have at least a tad bit more to it. Also, if you're expecting humour, there is little attempts at comedy, if at all. 

As it is now, it's a game that has a unique concept, but an execution in which there isn't enough time to play the game out. Hell, there's a review of the complete game, and it's three minutes long. It's just an amateur game that'll probably give you limited entertainment value. So did you play this game, and what did you think of it? Did you like or dislike the review? Tell me in the comments, it's very much appreciated, and I will see you in the next review.

Official Walkthrough

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