Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Cursed Jimmy Neutron Games

 It seems Jimmy Neutron had no luck when it came to the world of gaming. Now sure, Jet Fusion and Attack of the Twonkies are still fun to play, with the latter essentially being the definitive Jimmy Neutron game, they along with many others had aspects that make it, well, cursed.

But that isn't the most cursed thing when it comes to Jimmy Neutron, because its Nick.com games are something to truly behold.

Now unfortunately I only have access to three games in terms of providing footage. I do remember playing another one years ago, but three games are all that's necessary here.

These games likely came out before The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron debuted, as every game was based on the Jimmy Neutron shorts airing before then.

Before I get into it, I'd like to use this image to get you into the cursed spirt.

One character's face is indicative of how I feel, which one do you think it is?

Let me just make this clear. Jimmy Neutron doesn't translate well to flash games. Now, they didn't use a 2D style, no, they converted the 3D models to artifacts in these games, leading to choppy movement and unintentionally wonky facial expressions. The results are practically meme-worthy depending on your perspective.

Ultralord Vs. The Squirrels

Basically a PacMan clone which also gives you the ability to shoot projectiles at the enemies, along with the typical power-pellet stand-in, and the only way to beat it wholesale is to get an Ultralord action figure after collecting every dot.

The short this is based on... held up kinda poorly, so technically this game is a bit better plot wise?

While many Nickelodeon games were either basic or clones of popular arcade titles, they did introduce new aspects to differentiate them from their better known components. I will say this, it's not a direct PacMan clone.

As mentioned before, along with your power pellet, you have the ability to collect and fire projectiles, the power pellet stand-in (the hypnobeam) doesn't appear in the same place every time, you can still get hurt by enemies before collecting one last item to finish the level, and we get an unbeatable enemy, Carl and a hoard of spiders.

I can excuse some aspects because they were just using assets from the short this was based off of, but this includes cutscenes, which put this into a cursed tier.

Jank is wank.

New Dog, Old Tricks

Basically Simon. Only thing really interesting about this is the animations.
Simon says... quit.

Lightspeed Liftoff

Okay, this isn't based on an existing Jimmy Neutron short, but it's the most interesting compared to all of these. I can sum it up with its title card.

I have several questions.

Without a short to go by, I have no idea what the context behind this is. Jimmy Neutron starts by streaking in his underwear collecting random stuff. Then the point of this is to launch himself into space? That's about it.

With this image, I imagine Jimmy went through a failed experiment that cost him his clothes, and he has to make it home before someone sees him. Or he was dared into doing it.

Plus the game is janky, cheap-looking, the whole alphabet soup. This is the lowest point.

Sorry about the formatting issue

 I had it set to the wrong draft format. I'm gonna fix the effected pages before writing a new one.